Clinical Supervision
We work on what matters to you…
The supervisory experience for both supervisee and supervisor requires a professional yet open space aimed at giving the supervisee a platform for their successes, problem areas and struggles. The supervisee can focus on one client in sessions or alternate between clients each session or even present a clinical issue that has revealed itself with their practice. Each supervisee should consider their professional needs, their supervisor’s experience when choosing a supervisor, however, organisational or rural settings often do not readily support self-selection. It is imperative that each supervisee/supervisor relationship offers clear boundaries and protocols with a caring and collegial atmosphere that promotes learning, growth and optimal ethical and professional identity.
What to expect from supervision
As a supervisee you can expect a warm, positive, sensitive and supportive environment that is helpful, comprehensive and holistic in approach. We can work collaboratively through validation and encouragement rather than an authoritarian didactic approach. While a directive approach is adopted for trainee or novice practitioners, the supervision experience necessitates a space that is valuable for you and enhances your professional knowledge. In our collaborative efforts we avoid critical corrective methods and adopt a trust building and transparent supervisory alliance that is conducive to learning and gaining knowledge around your clinical skills as well as the person of the therapist and reflective awareness of your own family of origin, transference and countertransference as well as gender in the therapeutic relationship. This approach aims to make the most of the your experience as supervisee including your skills, understanding and enquiry and regard for your client/s and enables us both to reflect about the client and as a supervisor to provide you with support and professional wisdom to increase your confidence and effective treatments of clients and situations.